

Soft Tissue Swelling Tumor Surgery

Soft tissue swelling/tumor/sarcoma –

  • Swelling/lump/gaanth are common symptoms in my clinic. Some of these swellings may be as innocuous as a lipoma while some may be high-grade sarcomas.
  • Soft tissue tumors may arise anywhere in the body arms, legs, trunk, chest, or intraabdominal.
  • The appearance of a new swelling, painless lump, rapid increase in size, and change like swelling indicate a suspicious nature.
  • Correct diagnosis is very important. Trucut biopsy usually gives adequate information and helps us plan treatment correctly.
  • Noncancerous soft tissue swellings may be kept on follow-up or removed by excision biopsy depending on their size and location.
  • Cancerous - Sarcomas require removal with adequate clear margins of 1-2 cm. A good first surgery is of utmost importance.

Do not ignore any lumps.. seek help for early diagnosis and treatment!!

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