

Gall bladder cancer surgeon

Gall bladder cancer –

  • Gallbladder stones and cancers are very common in North India along the Ganga belt.
  • More common in women in the 40s-60s age group.
  • Symptoms are similar to gallstone disease such as pain in the right upper part of the abdomen, indigestion, and jaundice.
  • Differentiating between gall bladder stones and the presence of cancer is based on USG and CT scan findings.
  • It is very important to identify gall bladder cancer on imaging so that correct treatment may be planned.
  • Early gall bladder cancer should undergo Surgery - radical cholecystectomy with removal of lymph nodes. It does not require a preoperative FNAC or biopsy.
  • Radical cholecystectomy involves the removal of the gall bladder with the liver bed to obtain negative margins and prevent the shedding of cancer cells in the body. Removal of local lymph nodes is important for correct staging and best results.
  • Advanced Gall bladder cancers require FNAC and are planned for chemotherapy and surgery accordingly.

USG or CT gives clear hints about Gallbladder cancer. Let us not ignore them !!

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